Mary Anoints T-Shirt
When Jesus visited Mary and Martha in Bethany, Mary showed incredible, extravagant love towards Jesus. She poured out her expensive ointment oil on Jesus and wiped His feet with her own hair.
She gave what she could. An incredible offering of love in a moment to Jesus, acknowledging His greatness and all that He has done and does for us. She is deeply grateful.
Jesus saw this as a beautiful act of worship. Mirrored in our shirt, the oil undergoes a transformation from a dull tone to a stunning array of flowing multi-colors, symbolizing how Jesus viewed Mary's remarkable gesture.
With His guidance, we can have genuine appreciation of Jesus, much like Mary did.
Based on John 12:1-8.
1st Model: 5'5" and wearing a size S.
Gratitude and Humility
See what's behind the meaning of Mary Anoints, and watch our shirt in motion.